Please read the news items below and explore our internet resource at your leisure.
[Köln 140220] Dissemination of STR034: V/A - Mighty Giant Pinky
[Wesseling 150120] Dissemination of STR033: „DJ VLK” - Ballermann Partykeller
[Köln 291119] Dissemination of STR032: The Tuesday Night Machines - Roof Tent Rhythms
[Köln 151119] Dissemination of STR031: qualchan. - the end of all seasons.
[Köln 111019] Dissemination of STR030: Severino Pfifferling - Musik für Spülmaschine und Synthesizer
[Köln 130919] Dissemination of STR029: Nicholas Langley Plays The Vitamin B12
[Köln 230719] Dissemination of STR028: ShopLand World: Music for a Discovery Park of Miniature Supermarkets
[Köln 070619] Dissemination of STR027: Gwasg Gelert - Y Côd Da Vinci
[Köln 170519] Dissemination of STR026: Whettman Chelmets - Doesn't Remember
[Köln 310119] Dissemination of STR025: HAWN - For A Ride
[Köln 110119] Dissemination of STR024: moduS ponY & VLK - (split)
[Köln 251018] Dissemination of STR023: The Tuesday Night Machines - Hawaiian Yurt Music
[Köln 240918] Dissemination of STR022: These Carbon-Composite Poles Are Made For Walking
[Köln 270818] Dissemination of STR021: Emerging Industries of Wuppertal - Traditions from a Vestigial Intranet
[Köln 170818] Dissemination of STR020: Suko Pyramid and moduS ponY - ECHOLALIA

[Köln 020718] Dissemination of STR019: The Blank Holidays - Let's Break Things
[Köln 210618] Dissemination of STR018: The Tuesday Night Machines - Super Dolomiti Crunch
[Köln 140518] Browse the following news items:
- Strategic Tape Reserve has undertaken to produce a monthly show of radio entertainment for New New World Radio. Please consult the world wide web for further details.
- Strategic Tape Reserve recently submitted to two interviews: Caliper Music and Tabs Out
[Köln 140318] Dissemination of STR017: Zherbin - Везде
[Köln 301017] Dissemination of STR016: Emerging Industries of Wuppertal - Systems for Simulating Professional Music
[Köln 170817] Dissemination of STR015: moduS ponY - Phonogetic Ouch
[Köln 040717] Dissemination of STR014: VLK - Avril and Sean in Camden
[Köln 230617] Dissemination of STR013: Youth Championships - Organic Architecture
[Köln 280317] Dissemination of STR012: Mr. & Mrs. Chip Perkins - Very Warm Regards
[Köln 050317] Save the date. Info here.
[Sussex 291216] We have produced an entertainment video.
[Köln 121216] Dissemination of STR011: moduS ponY // Belmont Lacroix
[Köln 260816] We have produced an information video.
[Köln 060816] Dissemination of STR010: Emerging Industries of Wuppertal - Transformation Cues
[Leverkusen 120616] Dissemination of STR009: Rialto Boulevard
[Köln 030316] Dissemination of STR008: Music for Euronews
[Sussex 261215] Dissemination of STR007: Jack Wolfskin Made Me Hardcore

[Köln 250415] Dissemination of STR006: Augmented Folk Ballads of the Leine Plain
[Köln 180115] Dissemination of STR005: Wild Parvenu: Maxi-Single [cassette or digital versions]
[Köln 271114] Dissemination of STR004: The End of Music
[Köln 111014] Dissemination of STR003: Efficient Processes for Synthetic Funk
[Köln 200914] Dissemination of STR002: Shaq Fu: Da Reurn: Da Return
[Köln 160313] Dissemination of STR001: The Modern Door Live.
[Köln 261112] We can now confirm that box filled with blank solid-color audio cassettes and standard audio cassette accessories has arrived at our Cologne headquarters, hence bringing [unspecified] sub-phase to completion.