Interviews and overviews:
STR interviewed by Caliper Music
Tabs Out's "Look at the Strategic Tape Reserve"
Beauty Product interviewed by Ilictronix
Везде - Zherbin reviewed in Spool's Out
Везде - Zherbin reviewed in Vital Weekly
Avril and Sean in Camden - VLK reviewed by Cassette Gods
Phonogetic Ouch - moduS ponY reviewed in Spool's Out
Transformation Cues in Yeah I Know It Sucks
moduS ponY and Belmont Lacroix split reviewed in Yeah I know it sucks
Music for Euronews reviewed by Cassette Gods
Wild Parvenu Maxi-Single - Beauty Product reviewed by The Ransom Note
Shaq-Fu... - VLK reviewed by A Closer Listen
Efficient Processes...- Strategic Tape Reserve Staff reviewed by Cerebral Rift
Shaq-Fu... - VLK reviewed by Cerebral Rift
Belmont Lacroix - Rialto Boulevard reveiwed by Yeahiknowitsucks
Podcast and radio production:
STR maintains a monthly audio program on New New World Radio
Guest mix for I Heart Noise
Mind conditioning session for Decoder Podcast
Web-logs and online magazines:
Tiny Mix tapes
Faeton Music
A Closer Listen
Mystic Groove
The Cerebral Rift
The Ransom Note
The Modern Door Show blog
Tabs Out
The Quietus
I Heart Noise
Tuesday Night Machines